Setting Up a Link To An E-mail Address

Use this easy procedure to link your site to an e-mail account. This is a great way to connect with people looking at your site. 

Here's how:

  1. Highlight the words or graphic that the user will click to send you e-mail.  For example: Send me mail.
  2. Select Link from the Element menu . You will see the cursor appear in the box entitled Link to Page
  3. Type "mailto:" followed by the e-mail address that you want responses sent to. Do not leave a space between the colon and the e-mail address. For example:
  4. Click OK and the link to the e-mail address is established. When the user selects the link, an e-mail form will appear that the user can complete and send.

You're connected!

Here's an example of the page you will AUTOMATICALLY  create!

mailto: service

Press when you have finished composing your message.